Sunday, 10 October 2010

Eat. Pray. Love.

I wrote this post a while back, like two weeks ago, but because lack of internet I couldn't post it, anyways here it is now:

You can tell by the title of this post that I have watched the movie ‘Eat. Pray. Love’ and I found it to be interesting. It’s not usually my type of movie; I find the whole searching for yourself a bit too ‘old’ for me. I have just turned 20 and far from a mid-life crisis so watching someone go through that isn’t my cup of tea.

However I did watch it and I liked it. You can get a lot from that movie, and I recommend you all to watch it.

There were so many things in this movie that made me re-think life but one thing that really got to me in this movie was when the main character was in Rome. It was before she was leaving to India and she had a thanks-giving dinner with her Italian friends. And while there were finishing up their dinner, she narrates something that really touched me, she says something along the lines of them all being happy and how it makes her feel happy, and how happiness just makes everything simple and sometimes perfect. OK so she doesn’t exactly say that, but that's what I got from it and it got me thinking.

From my posts you can tell a lot about my personality, I can be gloomy, moody, sarcastic and cynical. Yeah those are my flaws. I know. The funny thing is I never really wanted to change that about me. I use to think that I had a right to be that way. I use to think that it’s not me being a down depressing person but me being smart and realising just how difficult life is. But now I realise I am wrong and not just because of this movie, but because for a while now I have had this feeling in me that something isn’t right.

I sometimes get annoyed from people who claim they are always happy. It really annoys me, because I know for a fact that being happy all the time is impossible. And I still believe that. It is one of my theories on life, and yes I do have a whole lot of theories, but I’ll leave that to another post. So back to the point, why it annoyed me so much though, that is something I don’t know the answer to, or maybe I do know, I just don’t want to dwell on that a lot.

So happy people of the world, kudos to you. For smiling and laughing and not letting things bring you down. You balance this world out, and as annoying as you can be sometimes because lets be real sometimes you are putting an act or sometimes you are being very naive, but hey, no one is perfect, you make the people around you happy, and give them a new perspective on life. Happiness can sometimes be contagious and that usually is a good thing.

I guess what I am trying to say in this post is that I have finally accepted the fact that there is no harm in being optimistic and it is not always a stupid idea. So for this new chapter of my life (like I previously stated I turned 20 two months ago) I will try my best to optimistic sometimes and keep that smile on my face because it just might make someone else smile (I know it’s corny but it needed to be said). I guess the glass can be half full and not half empty. Sometimes.


  1. I read the book and watched the movie, I advice that you read the book, there's more details about how she dealt with her crisis. I love how Elizabeth Gilbert thinks, I think she's so full of peace and harmony even though she was in a crisis.

    Being happy does make other people happy. Sometimes, I get tired of putting on a show. But it's good to lie to yourself and pretend to be happy.

  2. I still didn't read the book, but I definitely want too and I will soon inshallah.
    I agree with you, I totally admire the way she thinks and sees situations and you just get a lot from that.
    And yeah happy does usually make other people happy and about lying to urself, it does get pretty tiring though.
