What happened to the world? Why can’t people just be happy for others? Is that too much to ask for? Every day I hear more and more stories of envy and jealousy, and how peoples’ lives are destroyed because of that. It is a shame.
Just today I was out with my cousin, after the whole hugging and her yelling at me for taking too long to meet up with her (3days she is a drama queen like every other woman in my family) and our conversation goes like;
Cousin: ooo btww sam3tiii ina flana bitizawaj?!!
Me: la wallah, mashallah! Good for her, I know she wanted to get married for quite some time now
Cousin: yeah I know, bes her mom wants to keep it on the down low, doesn’t want 7asad you know
Me: oh yeah as always
This just happened today, a few hours back, and now I am thinking, ok I understand how in the beginning you don’t go telling everyone that your getting married, but the fear of 7asad has increased so much nowadays and this marriage salfa is just an example, it’s something that just happened, but there are many other example like doing well in studies, or in your career etc.
An extreme case happened to a friend of a friend, she was this typical beautiful girl, whose life was ruined because some jealous insane person spread rumours about her which was totally false (I’m sure you heard of something similar)
So back to the question I stated earlier, why so much jealousy? Why so many haters? Is it wrong to be happy for someone else, your time will come and even if it doesn’t maktoob 3end Allah, oo 5alas move on, just be thankful for what you have.
This topic really annoys me because even though I am far (very very far) from being perfect, I wouldn’t ever look at someone and be like I want that's, its not fair she has it. I mean I have felt jelousy (that's was when I had a crush on some guy, I got crazy jealous) but that doesn’t mean I go and be all envious to others, and if I don’t feel that's (and as I states before I ain’t perfect) why can’t others?
Well like I said before, it is a shame, and that habit is just getting worse. But this is life.
el 3ain mathkoora fil 8er2an
ReplyDeleteوان يكاد الذين كفروا ليزقونك بأبصارهم لما سمعوا الذكر ويقولون انه لمجنون، وماهو الا ذكر للعالمين
9ada8a Allah el 3a'9eem .. enshalla bs maga9art feeha
el7asad ma kethar fil denya. el ensan 7eta mn '3air ga9d mumken eneh ya7sed a7ad 3ala shay.
el7asad methel ma ohwa bs el meshkela thekr Allah 8al. Laish etha cheftay shay 7elow egolonlach thekrai Allah? L2nah yeb6el el 3ain.
Lo elsana 5ath o te3awad 3ala thekr Allah fi kel shay makan el 5of mn el7asad zad o kethar. Bs shetgoleen. 7asafa 3ala eli 9ar fil uma.
o sry a7es I gave out a small religious lecture (as usual lol) bs thats what I think of el 7asad lama elnas tyeeb 6areeh.
no need 2 say sorry, what u said is perfect! mashallah XD
ReplyDeletei think u need to start writing your own blog M ;)
7abeebti enty :*
ReplyDeleteI like the idea bs 5aleeni fil saleem .. ur blogs yekafon o yowfon :*
ReplyDeletei agree with M, thekr allah qal..
not only those qana3at el nas ra7at..they forgot ena allah el raziq and its not us humans running after things..
7amdillah 3ala kilshay :)